Web Site Builder

Key Features

the benefits of using rapstrap

Joining rapstraps to make longer ties


stretches up to 50%

Our Classic cellular design is optimised for elasticity. Safer for tying softer items, or objects that can deform or move. 

Creating multiple ties with rapstrap


allows creative tying

With rapstraps you can create multiple interconnected ties. Now you can bundle, combine & organise in more creative ways.

No sharp edges with a rapstrap


no sharp edges

Rapstrap uses a soft polyurethane construction, so no danagerous sharp edges get left when a rapstrap is cut. 

Rapstrap classic can be rethreaded to remove


rethread & remove

Rapstrap Classic can be removed by rethreading back through the same latching cell. Straps can then be reused again & again.

Cut off excess rapstrap and use it again


get more ties per strap

Unlike conventional ties, remaining portions of rapstrap can be easily removed and used for more ties. No special tools required.

Joining rapstraps to make longer ties


versatile joining

You can easily link rapstraps to create longer ties if required. Straps can even be joined back-to-back to have a tongue at each end.